Category: England

Having stayed in England for straight 15 months from September 1988 – December 1989, I have so much to share about this historic country with its generally very wonderful people. I obtained my master’s degree at Wye College (situated in Ashford, near Canterbury in Kent) which at that time was part of the University of London system.

I have had many memorable experiences here. These included – but not limited – the following: (1) experiencing my real first snow; (2) getting scammed in London for entering a nightclub to watch the ‘Live Double Act’; (3) inspecting the armors of knights in Canterbury to realize that the knights were only a little over five feet in height and not tall guys like Richard Gere or Sean Connery; (4) using automatic teller machine (ATM) cards as early as 1988; (5) being told by some Brits that all American Presidents after John F. Kennedy were either dumb or stupid; and (6) was offered by our host to eat ‘spotted dick’ on Christmas eve of 1988!

Would you believe that I met in person Princess Anne (sister of Prince Charles) and even spoke to her for about 5-10 minutes? I can see you frowning. So, you don’t believe me. How and why on earth would a royal princess spend time talking with a colored commoner like me? Do you think I am either outright lying or hallucinating?

Wait for my next blogs…

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